Wisteria DIY w/ Courtney Werner

Courtney Werner always ALWAYS makes her décor so pretty for every dinner club hosted at she and Chris’ home. She is the queen of DIY and must have the patience of Job, because I think I’d rather die than make things from scratch for 15 hours prior to a dinner party. Hey- we all have our places to shine bright, right? This is one of hers…

A signature staple for most Werner parties include these tissue paper Wisteria. She makes them in a variety of colors and textures including metallics for extra pizazz and shine.

Follow these “easy” directions below and make your own Wisteria for your next dinner party…you know, if you’re into that. Otherwise, I think Courtney Werner has a few hundred you could buy off of her. 😛

  • Tissue paper
  • Embroidery needle
  • String
  • Scissors

Step 1: Fold tissue into rectangle.

Step 2: Cut folded tissue into balloon shape, producing multiple “petals.”

Step 3: Repeat with other assorted colors.

Step 4: Fold petal lengthwise.

Step 5: Twist narrow end.

Step 6: Fold twist into petal.

Step 7: Pinch end of petal.

Step 8: Repeat steps to create multiple petals.

Step 9: With threaded needle, pierce narrow end of petal.

Step 10: Repeat to create flower of desired length.

Step 11: Trim excess string from bottom.

Step 12: Tie knot at the bottom of string.